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with The President's Daily Brief

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What do you think about the censorship going on across the globe? How does the ship right itself if the people aren’t hearing the news/evidence/goings-on? Example: Germany.

This is Georgia from Dallas ( yes, there is a state named after me ). Is there a food or a flavor other people like that you do not? Example- mine is pickles.

This is Georgia from Dallas ( yes, there is a state named after me ). Is there a food or a flavor other people like that you do not? Example- mine is pickles.

Surely the CIA cannot support the Biden open border policy?

Hello, the Biden admin's open border policy appears to facilitate influence/control on the US by foreign actors (assuming the policy's aim is to ultimately secure their votes, or assist in retaining power through re-districting). Allowing this seems contrary to the base mission of agencies such as the CIA. So my question is, do you think the agencies are internally divided on this and if so isn't that dangerously destabilising? Regards, Colin, Sydney, Aus.


I appreciate your almost unbiased analysis of current events. How much can you tell me about your time with the CIA. I know you can’t say much, but I am interested. Steve in Reno